DV New Materials and Training Opportunities
New Materials and Training Opportunities
Best Practices Guide and Case Management Techniques in Civil Interpersonal Violence Cases
This Best Practice Guide has been developed by the Supreme Court’s Steering Committee on Families and Children in the Court (FCC), in coordination with the statewide Domestic Violence Advisory Group. The FCC’s goal is to ensure fair, expeditious, and accessible justice for litigants impacted by interpersonal violence throughout the state of Florida, while also ensuring offender accountability and victim safety. These guidelines and practices have been developed after reviewing Florida Statutes, applicable case law, and best practices in other states. This guide and attached checklists provide with a comprehensive tool to assess their respective domestic violence calendars, protocols, procedures, and case management. Chief judges and trial court administrators are requested to consider using the attached checklists to assess how they handle domestic violence cases and implement as many of the best practices as possible.
Best Practices Guide and Case Management Techniques in Criminal Interpersonal Violence Cases
This Best Practice Guide has been developed by the Supreme Court’s Steering Committee on Families and Children in the Court (FCC), in coordination with the statewide Domestic Violence Advisory Group. As part of its charges for the 2022-2024 term, the FCC was tasked with developing a Best Practice Guide for circuits and judges. These guidelines and practices have been developed after reviewing Florida statutes, case law, and best practices in other states. This guide and attached checklists provide the circuits with a comprehensive tool to assess their respective domestic violence calendars, protocols, procedures, and case management. Chief judges and trial court administrators are requested to consider using the attached checklist to assess how they handle domestic violence cases in each circuit and implement as many of the best practices as possible.
A Guide to Injunctions for Protection
All court scenes are portrayals of hypothetical scenarios.
This Domestic Violence Checklist for Litigants was also created to accompany the videos above, and offers further information about the domestic violence process. If you would like to download these 3 videos for use in your circuit, please contact vcsupport@tdwang.net.
View Available NCJFCJ Publications
The NCJFCJ has prepared a catalog of available publications from the Family Violence and Domestic Relations Program.
Strangulation Infographic
This infographic provides a quick look at what constitutes strangulation, some statistics regarding strangulation, and some of the devastating effects of it.
Upcoming Webinars
Detecting Human Trafficking in the Courtroom
Presented by Sgt. Alan Wilkett, Retired, Pasco County Sheriff's Office
March 11, 2025 12:00 to 1:00 PM EST
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the dynamics of human trafficking
2. Illustrate how human trafficking presents in the courtroom
3. Prescribe a response protocol for human trafficking indicators
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
OSCA has applied for CJE's and CLE's.
Understanding the Complexities of IPV High-Risk Factors: What Happens at Home Stays at Home
Presented by Katelyn Dunnigan of Citrus CASA and Morgan Macholeth of the Dept. of Children and Families
March 17, 2025 12:00pm-1:30pmEST
Learning Objectives:
1. Attendees will recognize the significance of the presence of non-biological children in intimate partner violence cases.
2. Attendees will acknowledge the posited explanations for this phenomenon and apply them to each situation for safety planning, recovery, and prosecution (if applicable)
3. Attendees will learn to correctly interpret and subsequently implement the results of a risk assessment tool and properly utilize its results in their respective roles in survivor recovery and offender accountability.
Register in advance:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Florida Domestic Violence Court Information System Lunch and Learn
Presented by Candria Morgan and George Roberts of the Office of Family Courts within OSCA
March 27, 2025 12:00pm-1:00pm EST
Register in advance:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
OSCA has applied for both CJE and CLE credits. One technology CLE credit has been awarded for this webinar.
A Survivor's Path: A Five - Step Healing Journey After Domestic Violence
Presented by Tiffany Myers, Founder, The Holes Foundation Inc.
May 6th, 2025 12 PM - 1 PM EST.
Learning Objectives:
1. To recognize the stages of healing after domestic violence.
2. To learn practical steps for supporting survivors' recovery.
3. To understand the impact of trauma on survivors' well being.
Register in advance for this webinar: http://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Lx0ZtH6hSJWPk-Hcos7d8Q
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
OSCA has applied for CJE's and CLE's.
A Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Violence
Presented by Tanesha McDonald, Chief Program Officer for the Florida Partnership to End Domestic Violence
July 9, 2025, 12:00 - 1:00 PM EST
This training focuses on enhancing court case managers' ability to engage effectively in a coordinated community response (CCR) for domestic violence cases. Participants will learn strategies for collaborating with community partners, ensuring a holistic approach to supporting clients, and improving outcomes through a well-coordinated legal and support system.
Learning Objectives:
- Define coordinated community response (CCR)
- Explore best practices and the benefits of participating in CCR within a local community
- Explore how to enhance court case managers’ role in the collaboration process
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
OSCA has applied for CJE's and CLE's.
Overlapping Protections for Minors under Florida Family Law and Federal Immigration Law
Presented by Erika Nyborg-Burch, Clinical Professor, Director Farmworker & Immigration Rights Clinic (FIRC), Florida State University College of Law, Public Interest Law Center
September 17, 2025 12:00 - 1:00 PM EST
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the statutory purpose and elements of special immigrant juvenile visas.
- Analyze the dual responsibilities of state and federal law in protecting youth who have been subject to parental abuse, abandonment, or neglect.
- Define the role state court determinations play in federal protections for vulnerable youth.
Register in advance for this webinar: http://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_IWbQo63hSR275t_2RIXlYg
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
OSCA has applied for CJE's and CLE's.
Safety Issues at Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange
Presented by Karen Oehme, J.D., Director of FSU Institute for Trauma & Resilience Studies
October 7, 2025; Noon to 1 PM EST
Learning Objectives: As a result of this training, participants will be able to:
1. Identify the top three reasons cases are referred to supervised visitation and safe exchange in Florida
2. Describe the safety issues involved in supervised visitation and safe exchange
3. Understand the goals and potential risks of the Cassi-Carly safe-exchange law.
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
OSCA has applied for CJE's and CLE's.
Do you need continuing education credits? The Advanced Domestic Violence Course is available! Created in unison with the Florida State University, attorney users can obtain up to 10 CLE's for completing all 8 chapters, contacting the Florida Bar, and referencing course 2412144N. Judges may request 10 CJE's credit for their participation by contacting CJEMail@tdwang.net and referencing course 21-120.
2025 End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI) Conference
This conference will be held April 22-24, 2025, at the Anaheim Marriott, in Anaheim, CA.
The NCJFCJ has begun teaching their Enhancing Judicial Studies program again in various locations. Please contact OFC if you are a judicial officer and would like to attend in 2025.
NCJFCJ 88th Annual Conference
This annual conference will be held in Chicago, Illinois at the Fairmont Hotel on July 20-23, 2025. Please contact OFC if you are a judicial officer and would like to attend in 2025.
For a list of of other national training events, please see the VAWnet calendar.
For more events sponsored and/or hosted by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, please see the NCJFCJ calendar.
If you have questions about upcoming events, please email the Office of Family Courts at vcsupport@tdwang.net.